Instrumental lessons are given utilizing the Suzuki Method.
The measurement of how the student significantly evolves during the lessons is made possible by the opportunity to integrate into the Chamber Orchestra of Affinity Arts, that also is composed of by teachers and musical professionals. |
Beyond music class, Affinity Arts offers musical instrument classes (piano and/or violin) as an additional service.
They are offered for a total of 40 (forty) minutes per week, normally divided into 4 (four) times per week, about 10 minutes per day. After a minimal amount of time with the instrument, besides showing concentration with an integral use, the students show a relationship of appreciation and delight. The care established in this relationship with the instrument goes before any rise to negative associations to the experience or a demand to behave during a larger period of time than supported for the age range. |
Onde Estamos / Where are We
Campus Sede / Main Office SHIS QI 9 Conjunto 16 nº 7 - Lago Sul CEP: 71.625-160 - Brasília, DF, Brasil |
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